"There is always light
If only you are brave enough
to see it
If only you are brave enough
to BE it"
When Amanda Gorman recited her poem in january 2021 I was moved to tears.
I live in Belgium, but her words, spoken out loud in the USA, with grace and movement and conviction, reached also my heart and soul, just as they did for many people.
Her words have been a guidance through 2021.
Past years have been heavy in our home due to losses of family, illness, the pandemic we are all in worldwide, the polarisation, the climatecrisis.... but although life was challenging, there was always hope, I always saw a light in the opportunities and in the people who came on my path.
After 15 years I finally am able to work in the garden again!
It's an and-and-and story, but I feel I'm healing ( not cured..) after fighting chronic illness ( fibromyalgia, CFS and 2 auto-immunediseases... for 26 years..).
I feel like a kid in my garden, my secret garden !
Lots have happened, lots have changed, lots is shared...
One of my intentions of 2022 is to pick up my blog again and share with you fun and colorful creations, how to live a creative life, how you can transform a lawn into a local share-garden/ edible forest garden and build community, how fear and anxiety and being paralized can be changed into deep concern and hope and activism to make this world a better world for all and for the coming generations.
My New years card for 2022 is a call to action for you all:
"See the light
BE the light!"
greetings from Belgium
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