home again, home again...

"Home again, home again..." a beautiful song from Michael Kiwanuka.

I love to be home: lock me up in my house and I will be happy, always knowing what to do.


But I don't like to be home because I'm ill and all I can do is spend my days in the couch :)


I've been struggling with my health since the end of november : a nasty virus that normally only stays for a day of seven felt at home with me for 5 weeks.


Most ennoying was that I could not go to my Poppyclasschildren because I felt ill. No balancing with my energy because of my fybromyalgy cause there wàs nothing to balance with...


At the end of the holidayvacation I finally regained MY 100% energy. I was completely ready to start 2014 in my class: I made stuff for the children, baked a epiphanycake for my collegues cause the first day was the 6th january, I baked a cake for my Poppyclasschildren and their parents,..

I had special sweets to give away to show how happy I was to be back again.


It all started well that 6th january until I felt suddely very sick at 11.30 in the morning in the kindergarden where I support a child with special needs.

I ended up in the emergency with blue lips, icecoldfingers and feet, shaking,.. and a heartbeat of 130 in rest...


To make a long story short... I'm knocked off my feet again...and home since then.


Latest information from the doctors is that everything is OK with my heart itself, but I have had a sudden collapse of my bloodpressure that day.


I still have a high bloodrythm probably caused by pain,being tired ( I relate all that to my fybromyalgy and bad nights) and an infection. 

It seems that my my white bloodsoldiers were 3 times higher then normal that 6th january. Which infection I had ? Nobody knows.. another nasty bug... Makes me feel very humble again as a human against those tiny creatures !!


Together with my housedoctor we are figuring out what still causes the huge lack of energy : seems there are some problems with my thyroid gland also...


My biggest intention for 2014 was to take even more care of myself and my health ( after the shingles in september, the epicondilitis radialis ( problems with my elbow due to overburden) since october, the struggle with my fybromyalgy for 20 years..)...


I didn't know I would have to act so quickly !!!


Although I would love to go working again, I'm now convinced I must be patient and give my body a bit more time.

We only get one, you know... This is the body I have to cope with and I better take good care of it when I want to become 94 !! 


I'm taking lots of rests, but if there is ANY energy I try to do something and if I can... I create :)


I have some projects from the good moments the past two months..

And there are some "houses" involved... 

More about that in another blogpost hopefully this week ! 


In the meantime... you at least know WHY I'm quiet here...


greetings from Belgium


Reactie schrijven

Commentaren: 5
  • #1

    Monica smith (maandag, 27 januari 2014 13:43)

    Get well soon. It is what we do not see that is the problem. Have you been tested for gluten intoerance.? Rest, read watch u tube and be ready for the return of good health.

  • #2

    Paula (zondag, 02 februari 2014 19:43)

    oh my dear Inge,

    I'm so sad to read this news of you being so ill. I have just got better from a very serious 5 week bug too but yours sounds even worse! I was so hoping that this new year would be better for us both and if we really rest and take care of ourselves I am still hoping we will be well and able to create lots more art this year. My biggest hugs to you xxx

  • #3

    Zoe (maandag, 03 februari 2014 08:12)

    Big hugs ....

  • #4

    Wendy Kirk (maandag, 03 februari 2014 11:37)

    Oh dear, you sound as if you are having a really bad time. I hope the doctors can find out what is wrong, and get you back on the road to recovery. Take it easy, I will be thinking of you, big hugs, Wendy xx

  • #5

    Monica (dinsdag, 04 februari 2014 00:58)

    Hi Inge
    Oh dear..... So sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. Believe me... I know the frustration. Being eager to create or just having daily chores done without feeling EXHAUSTED ! I'm struggling Fibromyalgia as well as other health issues. So guess I can easily imagine what you are going through right now.
    Sweet friend : i wish you all the best. Hope things will turn out soon to get better. Take care and dont push yourself !
    Sending comforting hugs from SPAIN....... Monica


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