a new start, a new beginning...

Welcome ! 


Maybe you came over from my previous website I had since 2007, maybe you are new here...


My cherished online diary vanishes definitely on june 2012 due to changes at Apple.


You can read my blogpost about this here : 



I was sad because it feels like someone is burning all my diaries, but luckily I had all my blogposts with comments printed and made into books.


It's time to get out of my "egg" and start a new online life.


I hope this place will soon become my new home and reflect who and what Pinkepinke is.


It will take some time, but it sure is a challenge ! 


greetings from Belgium






Reactie schrijven

Commentaren: 7
  • #1

    CuddlyBunny (donderdag, 02 februari 2012 06:17)

    I told you I was already here! Congratulations and again I'm very glad that you've not giving up on blogging!

    We would miss you!

  • #2

    Cheryl (donderdag, 02 februari 2012 20:12)

    I'm glad I found you. I was at your old site and I just loved looking at your tunnel book. What an inspiration

  • #3

    Carol C (zondag, 05 februari 2012 19:04)

    Glad you are back in Blogland. Keep Blogging.

    carol x

  • #4

    texasbarb (maandag, 06 februari 2012 17:49)

    Congrats on getting your blog moved. I was never able to get into your old blog...always froze my computer. I can't wait to see what all you create.
    Barb A from ATT

  • #5

    Marita Kovalik (woensdag, 08 februari 2012 23:31)

    New is good. We just have to find the right place now to click to comment since it is not in English... so once we have that down, all is good!

  • #6

    lee (maandag, 27 februari 2012 21:17)

    I closed mine and had it printed,haven't been able to bring myself to delete it yet but I dont have the energy to start again. Glad you do you would be sorely missed.

  • #7

    phoenix ewing (maandag, 23 april 2012)

    It seems like forever since I have seen a post from you.I'm glad to hear from you as you always inspire me.


instagram: @pinkepinkecreative

facebook: Pinkepinke